Hey, it's me!

My name is Bence Nagy and I like to code, especially websites..

Projects I have built:


A fullstack project built with NextJs, ExpressJs and MongoDB. A social media website where can make posts and send messages to your friends.


A React project made using the Spotify API. You can view your top tracks and artists in the last 4 weeks, 6 months or all time.

About me:

My name is Bence Nagy and i am currently studying Computer Science at the University of Debrecen. I like doing some webdev. This is website is where I showcase a fraction of the things i have built so far.

Technologies I use the most:

  • React, NextJS
  • Express, NestJS, NodeJS
  • Typescript
  • PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • TailwindCSS

Other technologies I am trying to use more recently:

  • Java, Spring Boot